Ser vs Estar

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    • #2655
      Language Tutors

      HOW TO PLAY:


      1.   Take the adjective left for you by the last player, choose whether you should it with ‘ser’ or ‘estar’.


      2.   Form a simple sentence. 

      NB:  Each time you play try to use a variety of subjects, eg. estoy, somos, ellos están etc.


      3.   Write it in English and Spanish.


      4.   Give the reason why you chose ‘ser’ or ‘estar’.


      4.   Then choose another adjective from the list below or choose one of your own and leave it for the next player.


      5.   Feel free to add a picture to your post.


      (you do that by finding the picture that you want on the web, right click it and choose ‘copy image location’.  Then come to your post and click on the little picture of the tree on the editor bar above.  Right click in the ‘image url’ box and paste the code there.  Click ‘insert’ and your picture should appear.



      I’ll start us off ….




      Adjective:   cansado (tired)

      My sentence in Spanish and English:        El chico está cansado.      The boy is tired.

      Reason:  Being tired is a state so I used ‘estar’.

      New adjective for the next person:  contento/a




      English Spanish
      ambitious ambicioso
      annoying pesado, necio
      argumentative, quarrelsome discutidor
      bad-tempered malhumorado
      big-headed creído, engreído
      cranky de mala leche, venenoso;
      brave valiente
      cantankerous cascarrabias
      carefree despreocupado
      careless descuidado, poco cuidadoso
      cautious prudente, cauteloso, cauto;
      conceited, full of oneself presumido
      conservative conservador
      conventional convencional
      cowardly cobarde
      crazy, nuts loco, chiflado
      cruel (as in mean) cruel
      charming encantador
      cheerful alegre, jovial;
      dull, boring soso, aburrido
      flirtatious coqueta
      friendly amigable, simpático, agradable
      generous generoso
      hard-working trabajador
      honest honesto
      kind amable
      laid-back tranquilo, relajado
      lazy perezoso, vago
      loyal fiel
      mean (as in stingy) tacaño
      modest modesto
      moody de humor cambiante
      naive ingenuo, inocentón
      naughty (children) malo, travieso (niños)
      open-minded: narrow-minded: de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante;
      polite cortés, educado
      proud orgulloso
      reliable: he’s a very reliable person fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar
      self-confident: to be self-confident seguro de sí mismo: tener confianza en sí mismo
      selfish egoísta
      sensible sensato, prudente;
      sensitive sensible
      shy – introverted tímido, vergonzoso – introvertido
      strict estricto, severo, riguroso
      stubborn terco, testarudo, tozudo
      sympathetic (understanding) comprensivo
      talkative conversador, hablador
      trustworthy digno de confianza
      two-faced falso
      weird raro, extraño
    • #2729

      Adjective: Contento/a (happy)

      My sentence: Estoy contenta (I am happy)

      Reason: Being happy is a emotion or state so I chose estar

      New adjective: valiente 

    • #2748
      Language Tutors




      Adjective: valiente (brave)

      My sentence:   Los niños son valientes.

      Reason:   Usually, in Spanish at least, being brave is considered a characteristic Which makes sense really because if you don’t already have that characteristic then you are unlikely to react with bravery when under pressure.

      New adjective:  bajo/a. (short)

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