Akoranga 1 Kemu Patapatai / Quiz

Test your knowledge of the te reo Māori words and phrases used in ‘Akoranga 1’ (Lesson 1) of the book ‘E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake’

Quiz below the Kea 🙂


1. Ora Ake Ake - Akoranga 1

Use this quiz to help you prepare for your lesson in the 'E Hari te Ora Ake Ake! book - Lesson / Akoranga 1

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Q1 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake

- Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

The title (taitara) of Lesson 1 starts with 'Me pēhea te Paipera  ...

We're used to 'pēhea' meaning 'how' but what can 'me pēhea' mean?


* From the book 'He Whakamarama' by John Foster, Page 164



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Q2 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake -

Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe? means In what manner can the Bible help you?

The word meaning 'to help' is 'āwhina', what else can it mean?

to assist, help, support, benefit.


Hint:  you may need to choose more than one correct answer

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Q3 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te Whakatakinga - The Introduction

We all have questions about life, suffering, death and 'āmua'.  What is āmua?

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Q4 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te Whakatakinga - The Introduction

Which of the following are possible meanings for the verb 'mahara' mean?

Hint - you may need to choose more than one answer


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Q5 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te Whakatakinga - The Introduction

Sometimes we worry about 'te whiwhi oranga' - what is that?

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Q6 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te Whakatakinga - The Introduction

It takes two words in English to say 'many people' - which one word in te reo Māori says 'many people'?

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Q7 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te Whakatakinga - The Introduction

Many people find that the bible gives them practical advice for daily living.

Which tūmahi (verb) in te reo Māori can mean 'find' as well as 'see' and 'perceive'?


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Q8 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te Whakatakinga - The Introduction

Which of these verbs mean 'to answer'?

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Q9 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te Whakatakinga - The Introduction

In te reo 'tohutohu' is 'advice' or 'instruction'.  What kind of advice is 'tohutohu whaihua'?

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Q10 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te Whakatakinga - The Introduction

I'm sure we know lots of people that the Bible 'can' help.  What is the tūmahi (verb) in te reo Māori that means 'can'.

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Q11 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 1 / Section 1

How do you say 'these questions' in te reo Māori?

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Q12 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 1 / Section 1

The Bible explains the reason why we have life?

Which of these kupu (words) means 'reason'?


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Q13 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 1 / Section 1

What kind of people are 'hunga *hēkore'?

*or harakore

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Q14 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 1 / Section 1

An important question the bible answers is 'Ina mate te tangata he aha te mea ka tūpono?'.

What do the words 'ina' and 'tūpono' mean?  (Choose 2)

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Q15 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 1 / Section 1

In the last question we learnt that 'ina' can mean 'when' (for future events*) but what does it mean in this statement?

Ina hiahia te katoa ki te rongomau .....


*ina - meaning 'when' for future events must be followed directly by the verb

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Q16 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 1 / Section 1

Nobody likes 'te pakanga', what is it?

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Q17 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 1 / Section 1

What does this phrase mean?

He aha te mea ka tūpono?

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Q18 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 1 / Section 1

We've already learnt that 'āmua' can mean future but it can also mean which of the following phrases?

Hint: you may need to choose more than one correct answer

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Q19 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 1 / Section 1

The Bible encourages us to seek answers to question.

What verb is missing from this translation of that statement

E _________ ana te Paipera kia kimi whakautu tātou ki ngā pātai.

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Q20 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 2 / Section 2

Section 2 explains that the Bible can help us to enjoy our life .... 'ia ra'.   What can 'ia ra' mean?

Choose 2

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Q21 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 2 / Section 2

How do you say 'for example' in te reo Māori?

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Q22 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 2 / Section 2

Kawe can mean 'to carry' or 'to take' ....

but in the sentence "E tohutohu ana me pēhea e kawea ai te taumaha (stress)  ..."   what does kawea mean?

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Q23 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 2 / Section 2

We've learnt before that 'me pēhea' can mean 'in what manner' but in the sentence 'me pēhea hari ai i te mahi' what's another way to put 'me pēhea' more simply?

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Q24 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 2 / Section 2

In the sentence ...

Ka ako koe i te Paipera ....    What is the there for?

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Q25 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 2 / Section 2

Section 2 tells us that we'll learn about the topics already mention plus even more (mō ēnei me ētahi mea) and then the sentence finishes with 'ina kōrero tāua.  What does that mean?

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Q26 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 2 / Section 2

The last sentence in section 2 says ...  Tērā pea ka whakaae koe "ko ngā Karaipiture katoa (ngā kōrero katoa i te Paipera) he pai.

In this sentence, what does the first phrase, 'tērā pea' mean?

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Q27 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te pouaka i raro i te wāhanga 2     The box under section 2

Here we learn that 'kāhore hei whakakapi tēnei pukapuka mō te Paipera.

We know that hei can be used to speak about future locations 'Hei Te Kaha te hui.' - 'The meeting will be at Te Kaha.'

But here 'hei' is being used in a different way.  What does hei mean in this sentence?


See 'He Whakamārama' by John Foster, page 66

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Q28 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te pouaka i raro i te wāhanga 2     The box under section 2

As well as meaning 'but', what else can 'engari' mean?


Hint:  You may need to choose more than one correct answer.

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Q29 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te pouaka i raro i te wāhanga 2     The box under section 2

The book 'E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake' doesn't try to replace the Bible, instead its purpose is to  'aki aki kia āta tirotirohia te Paipera e koe'.

What do the verbs aki aki and tirotirohia mean?

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Q30 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te pouaka i raro i te wāhanga 2     The box under section 2

Nā reira and nō reira both mean 'therefore'.  Strictly speaking*, to use them correctly, one is followed by actions and the other is followed by general circumstances. 

Which two statements below are correct?

*He Whakamārama, John Foster page 121

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Q31 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te pouaka i raro i te wāhanga 2     The box under section 2


We've already come across the verb 'akiaki' which can mean 'to encourage' which verb in the following sentence is quite similar but perhaps a little stronger and can mean everything from  'to urge' right up to 'to command or order'?


E whakahau ana mātou kia pānuitia e koe ngā karaipiture i roto i ēnei akoranga.  We urge you to read the scriptures in these lessons.

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Q32 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Te pouaka i raro i te wāhanga 2     The box under section 2

In this box we're encouraged to compare what we read in the scriptures with what we're learning in the book, to make sure the information comes from God's word.  Which verb in this sentence means 'to compare' (as well as: to arrange, adjust, organise, put in order, appoint, assign):

Kia whakaritea hoki ki ngā mea e ako ana koe.

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Q33 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Kimi Māramatanga     /   Dig Deeper

The 'Dig Deeper / Kimi Māramatanga (Search for Understanding) section starts with the verbal particle 'ka'.

Ka ako koe he pēhea te Paipera i āwhina i ētahi tāngata ....

The main purpose of 'ka' is to indicate what happens next.  For this reason it is often used to refer to the future (will) but it can actually be used for the past or present as well, depending on the context.

In this sentence, "ka ako koe he pēhea te Paipera i āwhina i ētahi tāngata .... what does 'ka ako koe' mean?


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Q34 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Kimi Māramatanga     /   Dig Deeper

In te reo Māori 'me' is sometimes used for the word and (when joining noun phrases).

But there are other words that can be used.  For example, pronouns such as māua, rāua etc.

Eg.  Ko Joshua, rātou ko Kieran, ko Breeanna āku tamariki.

Josh, Kieran and Breeanna are our children.

In the dig deeper section what is another word that is sometimes used in place of 'and'?

He aha hoki te pai o the whiwhi āwhina kia mātau ai?

And why is it good to get help to understand it?

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Q35 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 3  -  Section 3

The Bible can be like a light for us.

How do you say "the Bible is like a light" in te reo Māori?

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Q36 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 3  -  Section 3

When we 'use' something we put it to work.

Which verb in te reo Māori means 'to use'?

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Q37 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 3  -  Section 3

We may be familiar with the verb 'takoto' which can mean 'to lay down' but how but what is the meaning of this phrase in the context of section 3 'whakatakoto whakatau pai'?

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Q38 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 3  -  Section 3

When this section talks about 'tēnei waiata mō te Paipera' what does the word 'mō' mean?

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Q39 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 4  -  Section 4

In this section we learn that "Ka whakautua e te Paipera a tātou pātai.

What does 'whakautua' mean?

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Q40 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 4  -  Section 4

When one lady  studied the Bible she found that the Bible answered questions that had troubled her for many years.

How would you translated 'troubled' and 'many years'?  Choose two answers.

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Q41 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 4  -  Section 4

What is an ataata?


Hint:  More than one may be correct.

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Q42 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 4  -  Section 4

This section uses the verb 'āwhina' to describe what the Bible did for this woman.  What can the verb 'āwhina' mean from the following?

Hint:  More than one may be correct.

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Q43 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 4  -  Section 4

The Bible encourages us to ask questions.

E whakahau ana te Paipera kia uia e tātou ngā pātai.

Whakahau is the word used here 'to encourage' which of the following is another verb that can mean 'to encourage'?

Hint:  More than one may be correct.


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Q44 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 4  -  Section 4

Which little word in te reo Māori expresses uncertainty and can be translated as possibly, perhaps, maybe, might etc.

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Q45 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 5  -  Section 5

Many people enjoy reading the Bible.

What is one way to say 'many people' in te reo Māori?

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Q46 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 5  -  Section 5

What does the verb whiwhi mean?

Hint:  More than may be correct.

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Q47 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 5  -  Section 5

Which of these words means 'the benefit' or 'the good'?

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Q48 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 5  -  Section 5

What is the word that means 'reason' in te reo Māori?

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Q49 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 5  -  Section 5

If something is 'rerekē' what is it?

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Q50 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 5  -  Section 5

What does the noun 'tohutohu' mean?

Hint  More than one answer may be correct.

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Q51 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 5  -  Section 5

The instruction from the Bible can comfort us and give us hope.

Which of the following words mean 'hope' in te reo Māori?

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Q52 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 5  -  Section 5

What are 'ngā kupu taurangi"?

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Q53 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 6  -  Section 6

This section teaches us that 'others can help us to understand the Bible'.

The sentence in te reo Māori starts with the particle 'mā' - 'Mā ētahi atu (others) tātou e āwhina kia mōhio ki te Paipera.'

Which of the following phrases shows the role of the word 'mā' in that sentence?

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Q54 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 6  -  Section 6

In the phrase "Tāpiri ki te pānuitanga i te Paipera ko koe anake ..."

What does 'tāpiri' mean?

_________ to reading the bible by yourself.

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Q55 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 6  -  Section 6

This section contains another alternative 'he nui ngā tāngata', meaning 'many people'.

Which of the following phrases can also mean 'many people'?

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Q56 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 6  -  Section 6

Which of the following verbs means 'understand' in te reo Māori?

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Q57 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 6  -  Section 6

'Hiahia' is commonly used to express that someone 'wants' something but what does the variation 'hiahiatia' mean in this sentence?

I hiahiatia e te tangata o Ētiopa te āwhina kia mōhio ki ngā karaipiture.

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Q58 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 6  -  Section 6


Which of the following words means 'now, presently, at present'?

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Q59 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Wāhanga 6  -  Section 6

What is 'he moumou taima'?

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Q60 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Whakarāpopoto - Summary

When this section refers to 'He tohutohu tā te Paipera ....'  what purpose does the word (particle) tā serve in this sentence?

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Q61 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

How do you say 'daily' in te reo Māori?

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Q62 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Titiro anō - Review

In the question "He aha tāu e pai ai kia ako  i te Paipera?'

What does tāu mean?

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Q63 - Akoranga 1  - E Hari i te Ora Ake Ake - Me Pēhea te Paipera e Āwhina i a Koe?

Whāinga - Goal

What is a wāhanga tuatahi?

Your score is

The average score is 84%


