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Las Noticias / The News
Improve your Spanish by dissecting and translating current news articles.
- 1
- 11 years ago
Feel free to post your work here if you would like it to be proofread.
1. Keep it short! As we all know time is precious and everyone here is a volunteer so you are much more likely to get help if you post just a sentence or two or at the most a couple of short paragraphs.
(You can always split longer articles up into more than one post so that they're not overwhelming or too time consuming.)
2. Don't ask for translations without posting your attempt. This is a learning site so have a go, no one will laugh, we promise. There's no room for shame when learning another language just view each mistake as an opportunity to learn.
3. Post both the English and Spanish version of youur work so that those who help know exactly what it is you want to convey.
4. Be appreciative, leaving your thanks and voting for any help you receive is often all it takes to encourage others to keep giving such valuable help. Plus, it's just the right thing to do 🙂
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Using the website & typing accents
Using the website & typing accents
Ask any questions that you may have about getting the best out of our website here.
You will also find articles on how to type Spanish accents etc.
- 1
- 10 years, 9 months ago
Ask all your English and Spanish language questions here!
Hace todas sus preguntas que tienen que ver con inglés o español aquí.
- 14
- 9 years, 8 months ago
Audio Exercises / Ejercicios de Audio
Practice your pronunciation, speaking and listening comprehension here.
Practique la pronunciacion, la expresión oral y la comprensión auditiva aquí.
- 2
- 11 years, 2 months ago
- Fun for Kids
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Las Noticias / The News