Are you planning a surf trip to a Spanish speaking country? Would you like to be able to ask about the wind and swell conditions when you get there, or share in the after surf conversations about the last session? Then why not learn some of the following surfing terms in Spanish?
to surf = surfear or hacer surf
surfer = surfista
to catch (a wave) = agarrar (lit. to grab)
cutback = recortar
manoeuvres = maniobras
it’s crowded = hay muchas personas, está llena
aggressive = agresivo
style = estilo
good style = estilo bueno
a big wipeout = una caida espectacular
learning = aprendiendo
breaking = rompiendo
bottom turn = giro abajo
carve = giro fluido
to paddle = remar
I wiped out, I fell off = me caí
to look for = buscar
I’m looking for = busco
I’m going to (do something) = Voy a (+ any verb infinitive)
to travel = viajar
I’m going to travel to Nicaragua. = Voy a viajar a Nicaragua.
an aerial = un aéreo
a surfboard = una tabla (de surf)
a shortboard = una tabla corta
a longboard = un longboard or un tablón
the nose = la nariz, la punta
the tail = la cola
a leggie / leash = una correa, el invento
a wetsuit = un traje de neopreno
wax – cera, parafina
fins = las quillas
rail = rail, el borde
the stringer = el alma
waves = olas
swell = olas, oleaje
like a washing machine = aguada
a set = un grupo
close-outs = las cerradas (las barras in Spain)
choppy = picado
a tube = un tubo
clean water = agua limpia
dirty water = agua sucia
deep = profundo
foam = espuma
glassy = de vidrio
inside = adentro
outside = afuera
backside = de espalda
steep = angulo
the current = la corriente
the face = la cara
the lip = el labio
the peak = la cresta
the wall = el pared
the shoulder = el braze (lit. arm)
the pocket = el hueco
the tide = la marea
the left = la izquierda
the right = la derecha
the coast = la costa
the point = el punto
beach break = fondo de arena
reef break = fondo de coral
point break = fondo de piedra
rivermouth break =punto del rio