Spanish Vocabulary for things around the home and colours as adjectives

Spanish Vocabulary for things around the home and colours as adjectives


Quick tip when it comes to colours in Spanish!


As we know colours are adjectives so they usually need to change in gender and number to match the noun that they are modifying.  Eg.   Un libro rojo, una casa roja, unos libros rojos, unas casas rojas.  

But when these colours themselves come from nouns (rosa=rose, naranja = the orange fruit) they usually don’t change.  

Also when a colour ends in an ‘o’ you will need to change it to match the gender but if it ends in a consonant or different vowel (a, e, i, u) there is no need to change it.   Un libro azul, una casa azul.  They will however have a plural form that works for any gender.  Unos libros azules, unas casas azules.






ceiling: el techo

el techo rojo: the red ceiling

cupboard: el armario, la despensa

el armario amarillo: the yellow cupboard

door: la puerta

la puerta lila

the lilac (or purple) door

electrical socket: el enchufe (de pared)

el enchufe blanco

tap (on a sink): el grifo, la llave

el grifo negro: the black tap

la llave plateada: the silver tap

floor: el suelo (floor that is walked on), el piso (level of a building)

el suelo verde: the green floor

el piso naranja: the orange floor 

(kitchen) counter, bench top: el mostrador (de cocina), la encimera, la mesa (other words are also used in various areas)

el mostrador rosa: the pink benchtop, la mesa rosa

lamp: la lámpara

la lámpara dorada: the golden lamp

light: la luz, la lámpara, la lámpara de techo (ceiling light), el plafón (ceiling light)

la luz gris: the grey light

mirror: el espejo

el espejo azul claro: the light blue mirror

roof: el tejado

el tejado celeste: the sky blue roof

sink: el fregadero, el fregadero de cocina (kitchen sink), el fregadero de baño (bathroom sink)

el fregadero turquesa: the turquoise coloured sink

stairs: la escalera, las escaleras

las escaleras café or las escaleras de colour café

toilet: el váter, el wáter, el inodoro, el servicio, el retrete

el váter azul marino: the navy blue toilet, el inodoro verde oscuro: the dark green toilet


wall: la pared (inside), el muro (outside)

la pared albaricoque: the apricot wall

window: la ventana

la ventana marfil: the ivory coloured window

bed: la cama

la cama esmerelda: the emerald coloured bed

blender: la licuadora

la licuadora negra: the black blender

chair: la silla

la silla marrón, las sillas marrones: the brown (chestnut coloured) chair/chairs

chest of drawers: la cómoda

la cómoda café: the light brown chest of drawers

couch, sofa: el sofá, el diván

el sofá amarilla: the yellow sofa

dishwasher: el lavavajillas, el lavaplatos, el friegaplatos (These are all compound nouns.)

el lavaplatos blanco: the white dishwasher

drier (for clothes): la secadora

la secadora mostaza: the mustard coloured dryer

iron: la plancha

la plancha verde: the green iron

oven: el horno (el horno microondas, or simply el microondas, microwave oven)

el microondas azul: the blue microwave

stove: la estufa, la cocina (usage varies with region)

la estufa aguamarina: the aquamarine stove

vacuum cleaner: la aspiradora

la aspiradora negra: the black vacuum cleaner

table: la mesa

la mesa roja oscura: the dark red table

toaster: el tostador, la tostadora

el tostador amarillo claro: the light yellow toaster

washing machine: la lavadora

la lavadora morada: the purple washing machine
