- HiHola
- What's up? (Q.T.)¿Qué tal?
- How are you? (tú)¿Cómo estás?
- How are you? (Ud.)¿Cómo está?
- How are you? (pl.)¿Cómo están?
- How are you? (Vosotros)¿Cómo estáis?
- "Very well, thankyou.""Muy bien, gracias."
- And you? (tú)¿Y tú?
- And you? (Ud.)¿Y usted?
- It's great to see you! (tú)¡Qué gusto verte!
- It's great to see you! (Ud.)¡Qué gusto verle!
- How's it going? (tú)¿Cómo te va?
- How's it going? (Ud.)¿Cómo le va?
- What’s happening?¿Qué pasa?
- "Hey, what’s up? (Guat.)"¿Qué onda vos?
- I'm off. (mv)Me voy.
- I'm off. (mp)Me piro.
- I'm off. (ml)Me largo.
- I'm off. (ma)Me abro.
- I'm off. (mm)Me marcho.
- I'm off whistling.Salgo pitando.
- I’m buzzing off.Me voy zumbando.
- I’ve already left.Ya me he ido.
- Take care! (tú)¡Cuídate!
- Take care! (Ud.)¡Cuídese!
- Take care! (plural)¡Cuídense!
- Have a good day!¡Que tenga un buen día!
- Have a good one!¡Que le pase bien!
- Good morning!¡Buenos días!
- Good afternoon!¡Buenas tardes!
- Good evening!¡Buenas tardes!
- Good night!¡Buenas noches!
- See you later!¡Hasta luego!
- See you soon!¡Hasta pronto!
- See you tomorrow!¡Hasta mañana!
- Until next time!¡Hasta la próxima!
- Bye!Chau or Chao
- How's it going? (P/Rico)¿Qué es la que (hay)?
- What's new?¿Qué hay de nuevo?
- Nice to meet you too!¡Igual!
- What's up! (Mexico)¡Q'hubo!
- I can't complain.No me puedo quejar.
- I feel terrible!¡Me siento fatal!
- So, soRegular