These verb endings work for all regular -er and -ir verbs so once you get used to the pattern you will be away!
Ud. = usted (formal, singular ‘you’)
Uds. = ustedes (formal, plural ‘you’)
vosotros = informal, plural ‘you’ – used only Spain
NB: Vosotros also has a feminine form, vosotras, and ellos also has a feminine form, ellas, but for simplicity we have just used the masculine forms.
- I readleo
- you (tú) readlees
- he readsél lee
- she readsella lee
- you (Ud.) readusted lee
- we readleemos
- you (vosotros) readleéis
- you (ustedes) readustedes leen
- they readellos leen
- I writeescribo
- you (tú) writeescribes
- he writesél escribe
- she writesella escribe
- you (Ud.) writeusted escribe
- we writeescribimos
- you (vosotros) writeescribís
- you (Uds.) writeUds.escriben
- they writeellos escríben
- I eatcomo
- you (tú) eatcomes
- he eatsél come
- she eatsella come
- you (Ud.) eatusted come
- we eatcomemos
- you (vosotros) eatcoméis
- you (Uds.) eatUds. comen
- they eatellos comen