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Congratulations, you have completed your second Spanish lesson which tackled one of the hardest topics that you’ll every come across when learning Spanish, the difference between ‘ser’ and ‘estar’.
Now let’s see how much you’ve learnt!
If you haven’t yet completed the lesson you can find it ‘here’ and if you’d like to practice with the information contained in the lesson before you take the quiz, you can use the matching flashcards found ‘here’.
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¡Bien hecho! Well done!
We hope you enjoyed testing your knowledge of those two tricky ‘to be’ verbs, ‘ser’ and ‘estar’.
If you feel like you need a refresher why not go through the lesson again and practice using the flashcards.
If you did well and think you’ve grasped the concept then move on to ‘Lección 3’ but remember to keep practicing, listen to as many native speakers as you can and listen out for how they use ‘ser’ and ‘estar’ as this really is the best way to learn their uses.
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Question 1 of 21
1. Question
Name the two ways to say ‘I am’ in Spanish.
That’s right, ‘soy’ from the verb ‘ser’ and ‘estoy’ from the verb ‘estar’ both mean ‘I am’.
No, the correct answer is ‘soy’ and ‘estar’.
‘Soy’ from the verb ‘ser’ and ‘estoy’ from the verb ‘estar’ both mean ‘I am’.
Question 2 of 21
2. Question
What does ‘alta’ mean and who would use it to describe themselves?
That’s right, ‘alta’ means ‘tall’ and because it’s the feminine form of the adjective a female would use it to describe herself as ‘tall’.
No, ‘alta’ means ‘tall’ and because it’s the feminine form of the adjective a female would use it to describe herself as ‘tall’.
Question 3 of 21
3. Question
How would you translate this sentence?
Soy el papá de Juanita.
That’s right, ‘Soy el papá de Juanita.’ means ‘I am Juanita’s Dad.’
No, ‘Soy el papá de Juanita.’ means ‘I am Juanita’s Dad.’
Question 4 of 21
4. Question
If you were to give your name would you say ‘soy’ or ‘estoy’ + your name?
That’s right, ‘soy’ from the verb ‘ser’ is used to ‘identify’.
No, ‘soy’ from the verb ‘ser’ is used to ‘identify’.
Question 5 of 21
5. Question
If you were adventurous would you say ‘soy adventurero/a’ or ‘estoy adventurero/a?
That’s right, ‘soy’ from the verb ‘ser’ is used to define, so if you wanted to define your personality as adventurous then ‘soy’ would be the verb to use.
No, ‘soy’ from the verb ‘ser’ is the one that is used to define, so if you wanted to define your personality as adventurous then ‘soy’ would be the verb to use.
‘Estoy’ from the verb ‘ser’ is better for ‘states’, ’emotions’, ‘actions’ and ‘locations’ of people and things.
Question 6 of 21
6. Question
What does amigable mean?
That’s right, amigable means friendly.
Amigdalotomía means tonsillectomy
Agradable means pleasant, likeable
No, amigable means friendly.
Amigdalotomía means tonsillectomy.
Agradable means pleasant, likeable
Question 7 of 21
7. Question
Which one of the following sentences looks a bit strange?
That’s right, the sentence should say ‘soy maestra’ because in Spanish professions and religions can follow straight after a form of the verb ser without the article ‘a’.
No, actually it’s the one that says ‘soy una maestra’.
Really the sentence should say ‘soy maestra’ because in Spanish professions and religions can follow straight after a form of the verb ser without the article ‘a’.
Question 8 of 21
8. Question
Which of the following sets best describe the uses of the verb ‘ser’?
That’s right, a good memory aid for the three letter verb ‘ser’ is the three letter abbreviation C.I.D. which stands for ‘characteristics’, ‘identity’ and ‘definitions’.
No, ‘ser’ is good for ‘characteristics’, ‘identity’ and ‘definitions’, a good memory aid is the three letter abbreviation C.I.D.
Question 9 of 21
9. Question
Which of the following sets best describe the uses of the verb ‘estar’?
That’s right, a good memory aid for ‘estar’ is S.E.A.L. as thE STAR of the show.
States, emotions, actions and locations.
No the correct answer is ‘states, emotions, actions and locations’, a good memory aid for this is S.E.A.L. as thE STAR of the show.
Question 10 of 21
10. Question
Which of the following sets of adjectives could be described as ‘states’ which are usually best used with ‘estar’?
That’s right ‘occupado’ means ‘busy’ and ‘cansado’ means ‘tired’ – both ‘states’ that go well with the verb ‘estar’.
Estoy occupado. I’m busy.
Estamos cansados. We’re tired.
No actually it’s ‘occupado’ which means ‘busy’ and ‘cansado’ that means ‘tired’ – both are ‘states’ that go well with the verb ‘estar’.
Estoy occupado. I’m busy.
Estamos cansados. We’re tired.
Question 11 of 21
11. Question
What does enojado mean?
That’s right, ‘enojado’ means angry.
‘Amable’ means ‘kind’ and ‘amigable’ means ‘friendly’.
No, ‘enojado’ means angry.
‘Amable’ means ‘kind’ and ‘amigable’ means ‘friendly’.
Question 12 of 21
12. Question
What does ‘estoy comiendo’ mean?
That’s right it means – ‘I’m eating’.
‘Estoy escribiendo’ means ‘I’m writing’ and ‘estoy cansado’ means ‘I’m tired’.
No, actually it means – ‘I’m eating’.
‘Estoy escribiendo’ means ‘I’m writing’ and ‘estoy cansado’ means ‘I’m tired’.
Question 13 of 21
13. Question
How do you say ‘I’m at home’ in Spanish?
That’s right, ‘estoy en casa’ means I’m at home. You need to use ‘estoy’ from the verb ‘estar’ for locations of people and things.
‘Estoy en mi carro’ means ‘I’m in my car’.
No, ‘estoy en casa’ means I’m at home. You need to use ‘estoy’ from the verb ‘estar’ for locations of people and things.
‘Estoy en mi carro’ means ‘I’m in my car’.
Question 14 of 21
14. Question
Name the matching Spanish personal pronouns in the following order:
I, you (informal), he, she, we, they, you (plural Latin America)
Well done!
Good spotting, vosotros is the informal, plural ‘you’ that is used only in Spain and ‘el’ without an accent means ‘the’ not ‘he’.
No, the answer should have been:
yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, ellos, ustedes
Vosotros is the informal, plural ‘you’ that is used only in Spain and remember that ‘el’ without an accent means ‘the’ not ‘he’.
Question 15 of 21
15. Question
How many ways are there to say ‘you’ in Spanish?
That’s right there are 5.
tú, usted, vosotros, vosotras and ustedes
No, there are 5.
tú, usted, vosotros, vosotras and ustedes
Question 16 of 21
16. Question
When might you use the plural ‘you’?
Sí. ¡Excelente, bien hecho!
No, you would use the plural you when you were speaking to a group of people and wanted to included them all, a bit like ‘you guys’ or ‘you all’.
You would use the ‘tú’ form of you when speaking to a friend, someone you’re on first name terms with.
And you would use the ‘usted’ form of ‘you’ when you need to be a bit more formal, eg, if you were speaking to someone who you would address as ‘Mr’ or ‘Mrs’.
Question 17 of 21
17. Question
Name the four Spanish pronouns that are exclusively feminine and can only be used when addressing or referring to ‘females’.
Eso es. That’s right.
ella = she
ellas = they (feminine)
nosotras = we (feminine)
vosotras = you (informal, plural, feminine – used only in Spain)
No, the four feminine Spanish personal pronouns are:
ella = she
ellas = they (feminine)
nosotras = we (feminine)
vosotras = you (informal, plural, feminine – used only in Spain)
Question 18 of 21
18. Question
Often in Spanish it will be unnecesary to use some of the personal pronoun together with a verb.
Choose which pronouns are most likely to be unnecessary given that they have their own verb conjugation.
That’s right, yo, tú and nosotros are rarely used as they have their own verb conjugations whereas the others share conjugations and will be used from time to time to remove any ambiguity.
No, it’s yo, tú and nosotros that are rarely used because they have their own verb conjugations whereas the others share conjugations and will be used from time to time to remove any ambiguity.
Question 19 of 21
19. Question
Although Spanish personal pronouns are used much less than they are in English there are some instances where they are necessary to remove any ambiguity.
Which personal pronouns are used the most, given that they share verb conjugations and ambiguity may arise if they are omitted?
That’s right, él, ella and usted share a conjugation, as does ustedes and ellos, for this reason these pronouns are sometimes necessary.
Yo, tú and nosotros on the other hand don’t share verb conjugations so they are rarely used except for emphasis.
No, él, ella and usted share a conjugation, as does ustedes and ellos, for this reason these pronouns are sometimes necessary.
Yo, tú and nosotros on the other hand don’t share verb conjugations so they are rarely used except for emphasis.
Question 20 of 21
20. Question
How would you translate ‘he is bored’?
That’s right, to express being bored you would use ‘estar’. If you used ‘ser’ it would change the meaning to ‘he is boring’.
It’s also important to make sure that the adjective matches the gender and number (singular or plural) of the subject, eg. él está aburrido, ella está aburrida, ellos están aburridos.
No, to express being bored you would use ‘estar’. If you used ‘ser’ it would change the meaning to ‘he is boring’.
It’s also important to make sure that the adjective matches the gender and number (singular or plural) of the subject, eg. él está aburrido, ella está aburrida, ellos están aburridos.
Question 21 of 21
21. Question
How would you translate, ‘she is fat’ (meaning that she is a fat person).
Not that you would ever use this phrase, very un-pc!
That’s right, to describe a characteristic you would use ‘ser’.
If you had used ‘estar’ you would be expressing something that is not usual, perhaps the person looks fat in what they’re wearing or they ‘seem’ fatter than usual.
No, to describe a characteristic you would use ‘ser’ so the answer is, ‘ella es gorda’.
If you use ‘estar’ you would be expressing something that is not usual, perhaps the person looks fat in what they’re wearing or they ‘seem’ fatter than usual.
The correct conjugation of ‘estar’ for ‘ella’ is ‘está’, ‘estoy’ means ‘I am’ not ‘she is’.
Also, make sure that the adjective matches the subject in gender (masculine or feminine) and in number (singular or plural).