Pan’s Labyrinth Vocabulary
(Min 10 to 14)
- she gets into bedsube a la cama
- to caress, strokeacariciar
- tenderlytiernamente
- frozenhelado
- to hugabrazar
- the windel viento
- to blowsoplar
- the millel molino
- it creakscruje
- softlysuavemente
- it soundssuena
- closecercano/a
- the darknessla oscuridad
- tightlyfuertemente
- Are you afraid?¿Tienes miedo?
- a squeal, squeak or creakun churrido
- sharp, high-pitched, piercingagudo
- a scream, a shoutun grito
- tram, street carlas tranvias
- they groangruñen
- se quejanthe complain
- we were aloneestuvimos solas
- some dayalgún día
- either, neithertampoco
- dampen, moistenhumedecer
- she looks at herla mira
- fascination, enchantment, spellboundembeleso
- a gesture, expression, movementun gesto
- restless, lively, fidgetyinquieto
- go on (encouragement to do something)anda
- she smilessonrie
- stomach, wombel vientre
- far awaylejano
- rough, ruggedáspera
- it looks towardmira hacia
- to shine, to shine brightlyrefulgir
- dimly lit, semi-darkness, shadowspenumbra
- smouldering emberámbar llameante
- the summit, peakla cima
- to blossom, to flower"florecer
- be merged, fuse together, burn out"fundirse
- thornyespinoso
- stem, stalktallo
- to go around, encirclerodear
- to grant, give, bestowotorgar
- they growcrecen
- to daratreverse
- poisonousenvenenado/a
- all of a suddende pronto
- "to burst into, invade"irrumpir
- "stunning, shining, bright"fulgurante
- "to place, set, settle down, land"posar
- inside the roomen el interior de la habitación
- the makeshift officela improvisada oficina
- dilapidateddestartalado
- "the lock, flood gate"la esclusa
- jewellers eyepieceuna lente de joyera
- "to assemble, join, connect"ensamblar
- "gears, cogs"engranaje
- motions for him to come inle indica que pase
- they shinebrillan
- "a piece, remnant"un retazo
- black velvettercio negro
- "liquor, moonshine"aguardiente
- How is she?¿Cómo la encuentra?
- Very weak.Muy débil.