Mi Vida Loca Flashcards
Episode 7
(Advanced Set 2)
Practice different verb tenses with these phrases taken from Episode 7 of Mi Vida Loca.
- let's have a lookechemos un vistazo
- When does it open?¿Cuándo abre?
- When do they open?¿Cuándo abren?
- if they tell yousi te dicen
- nevermind how late it isno importa lo tarde que sea
- after (it gets) darkdespués de anochecer
- it's closedestá cerrado/a
- it opensabre
- Did you get that?¿Lo has entendido?
- The admission costs ...La entrada cuesta ...
- ask her for informationpídele información
- they close at lunchtimecierran a mediodía
- they close on Sundaycierran los domingos
- tick the correct timemarca la hora correcta
- ask her when it openspregúntale cuándo abre
- tick the day that it closes earlymarca el día que cierra pronto
- Did she say Monday?¿Dijo el martes?
- all you want to knowtodo lo que quiere saber
- we are here to seeestámos aquí para ver
- which meanslo que significa
- if Merche is back yetsi Merche ha vuelto ya
- What's going on?¿Qué está pasando?