Mi Vida Loca Flashcards
Episode 7
(Advanced Set 1)
Practice different verb tenses with these phrases taken from Episode 7 of Mi Vida Loca.
- (she) was going toiba a
- (she) recognizedreconció
- (she) leftse marchó
- you (tú) ended uptú acabaste
- (he) revealedreveló
- (it) endedterminó
- (she) lostperdió
- (you/tú) wentfuiste
- (you/tú) boughtcompraste
- (she) receivedrecibió
- could it have ended up ..?¿podría haber acabado ..?
- let's go over that againrevisemos
- (you/tú) met Mercheconociste a Merche
- (you/tú) went to the marketfuiste al mercado
- (you/tú) bought her a presentle compraste un regalo
- I wonderme pregunto
- what you (tú) will doqué harás
- (she) will probably be busyprobablemente estará ocupada
- Shall I take you?¿Te llevo?
- They'll explain everything (to you).Te explican todo.
- she'll drop you offte dejará
- maybe you can ...tal vez puedas ...
- I'll see you this afternoon.Te veo esta tarde.
- to get backrecuperar
- Have a good time!¡Que te diviertas!