Mi Vida Loca Flashcards (Episode 4) Adv Set 1
- that's your stopésa es tu parada
- exitsalida
- this way outse sale por aquí
- now what?¿y ahora?
- sorry for running offperdón por irme corriendo
- I think thatcreo que
- that manese hombre
- is following meme persigue
- I'm going with a friendvoy con un amigo
- to a bara un bar
- near the stationcerca de la estación
- Do you want to come?¿Quieres venir?
- see you shortlyhasta ahora
- she is saying thatella dice que
- the man that you sawel hombre que viste
- on the trainen el tren
- (he) is following herla persigue
- now she's goingahora (ella) va
- in the UNED buildingen el edificio de la UNED
- which isque es
- it's nearestá cerca de
- she's going to bringva a llevar
- she's inviting you as welltambién te invita a ti