Mi Vida Loca – Episodio 22
– La Vuelta A Casa
Click here for the full interactive episode.
Read along with a full transcript here.
Well done – you have completed the video series. Now let’s see how much you’ve learnt from ‘Mi Vida Loca’.
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Before you start the test here’s some clues about the kind of things you’ll be asked in the test. Try answering the following questions before you reveal the answer if you’d like some practice.
What would you say to greet someone at 9am?
Buenos días.
What would you say to greet someone at 3pm?
Buenas tardes.
When you’re introduced to someone what would you say?
Mucho gusto.
How would you ask your friend’s mother how she is?
¿Cómo está?
How would you ask a friend’s teenage son how he is?
¿Cómo estás?
Complete these common conversational phrases by choosing from the following words.
cuándo, estás, dónde, estás, eres, cómo, qué
¿Qué tal?
How’s it going?
¿Cómo te llamas?
What’s your name? (Lit. How are you called?)
¿Estás de vacaciones?
Are you on holiday?
¿Eres de España?
Are you from Spain?
¿Dónde vives?
Where do you live?
What do these words and phrases mean?
Good / Well
Me llamo _____.
My name is _____.
de vacaciones
on holiday
trabajo (verb)
I work
hace dos meses
two months ago
soy de
I’m from
I live
cerca de aquí
near here
Shopping Vocabulary
What do these words mean?
pan bread
kilos de kilos of
botella de bottle of
medio half
vino tinto red wine
manzanas apples
peras pears
jamón ham
Money & Numbers
90 noventa
14 catorce
40 cuarenta
3 tres
11 once
Eating Out
Complete your order with the Spanish equivalent of the following verbs and menu items.
– a red wine
– a draught beer
– a coffee with milk
– a mixed salad
– a piece of toast
– a cheese sandwich
Para beber, un vino (tinto),
una (caña)
y un (café) con leche.
Y, para (comer),
una (ensalada) mixta,
una (tostada)
y un (bocadillo) de (queso).