Mi Vida Loca Episodio 17 – ‘Otro color’


Otro color


Click here to watch the full interactive episode of Mi Vida Loca Episodio 17 – ‘Otro color’.


Read along with a full transcript on this page.


Use these flashcards to practice the Spanish colours.

And here are some games for some extra practice game no 1, game no 2 and game no 3 and game no 4.  



Practice your colours here with this game or this one.


So what did you learn?

How would a shop assistant ask you ‘Can I help you with something?’

¿Te puedo ayudar en algo?

Can you say ‘I’m just looking’?

Estoy mirando.

How about ‘Is it in another colour?’

¿Hay en otro color?

What is the name of the changing room in Spanish?

el probador

How about if you wanted to ask … ‘Do you have size ____?’ when referring to a piece of clothing.

¿Tiene una talla …?

What are the words for ‘smaller’ and ‘bigger’?

smaller = más pequeña, bigger = más grande

When you are asking for sizes remember that you can’t use ‘talla’ when it comes to the size of shoes, that’s just for clothing.  

Do you have size 38?  (shoes)

¿Tiene el número ______? 


Learn the vocabulary from this episode here so that you can go shopping.


Complete this shopping list by completing this drag and drop exercise.


Find the Spanish colours in this word find.


Test yourself on the Spanish words for colours as well how to use them when describing things and learn how to use ‘poder’ (to be able to) by clicking here.



A little extra!


You’ve probably learnt that adjectives have to match the noun that they describe (ie. they become feminine or masculine, singular or plural) and this is usually true of colours too.

El libro rojo.    The red book.   

La casa roja.    The red house.


But …. did you notice in the learning section of this episode that in the shopping list was ‘un top naranja’?

If you were wondering why the colour orange didn’t change to ‘naranjo’ to match ‘un top’ which is masculine, here’s why …

Some colours in Spanish are used only as nouns, included in this list are the common colours orange, and pink.

beige, beis — beige
cereza — cherry-colored
chocolate — chocolate-colored
esmerelda — emerald
grana — dark red
humo — smoky
lila — lilac
malva — mauve
mostaza — mustard-colored
naranja — orange
oro — gold
paja — straw-colored
rosa — pink
turquesa — turquoise
violeta — violet

In this case, their form remains always the same, it doesn’t change to match the noun’s gender or number:

una camisa naranja, unas camisas naranja.


