Mi Vida Loca Episode 11 (Set 1)
- the parentslos padres
- the fatherel padre
- the motherla madre
- How are you? (Ud.)¿Cómo está?
- How are you? (tú)¿Cómo estás?
- And you? (Ud.)¿Y usted?
- And you? (tú)¿Y tú?
- Where do you live? (tú)¿Dónde vives?
- Where do you live? (Ud.)¿Dónde vive (usted)?
- on holidayde vacaciones
- Are you on holiday? (Ud.)¿Está de vacaciones?
- Are you on holiday? (tú)¿Estás de vacaciones?
- thiséste, ésta
- This is your (Ud.) room.Éste es su dormitorio.
- This is your (tú) room.Éste es tu dormitorio.
- This is my brother.Éste es mi hermano.
- This is my father.Éste es mi padre.
- This is my mother.Ésta es mi madre.
- These are my parents.Éstos son mis padres.
- These are my sisters.Éstas son mis hermanas.