Los Números – Lección para los principiantes



Learn all about Spanish numbers with our powerpoint presentation.



Then take our quiz to see how much you have learnt.



1.  Play ’15 Squares’ – press the number you want to move as you try to put all the numbers into order.  Listening and repetition will have you knowing your Spanish numbers from 1-15 off by heart in no time!

2.  Listen to the numbers and type what you hear.

3.  Feed the monster by dragging the number you hear to the plate.

Practice your spelling of Spanish numbers with these spelling games:

(Just enter any name and class time to start the quiz)

4.  Number Spelling Quiz 1-10

5.  Number Spelling Quiz 1-20

6.  Number Spelling Quiz 21-40

7.  Number Spelling Quiz 41-60

8.  Take this number quiz with ‘Study Spanish.com’

9.  Read the number and click the matching figures 1-30

(Make sure you click on the dot next to the figure you choose, not on the figure itself)


Listen to some situations where you will use numbers and answer the accompanying questions.

Video número uno:

Shopping with a dollar in Guatemala

What is the name of the currency that is used in Guatemala?

The quetzal.

What is $US2.00 worth in Guatemalan currency.

Siete (7) quetzales

What does Francisco ask the first lady in the market when he says …

¿Cuánto cuesta la libra de papas?

How much is a pound of potatoes?

How much were the potatoes per pound?

Tres (3) quetzales.

What does Francisco ask the second lady when he says …

¿Qué podría comprar con siete quetzales?

What can i buy with 7 quetzales?

Translate the lady’s answer:   Dos libras de papas y un quetzal de cilantro.

Two pounds of potoatoes and 1 quetzal (worth) of coriander.

Francisco goes on to say “porque el carne está caro”.  What does that mean?

Because meat is expensive.

What does Francisco ask the third lady?  ¿Cuánto cuestan pescados la libra?

How much does fish cost a pound?

How much did the fish cost?

Doce quetzales (la libra)  /  12 quetzales a pound

