- steelacero
- timber merchantmaderero
- timber industryindustria maderera
- productos madureroswood/timber products
- desksescritorios
- cupboardalacena
- factoryuna fábrica
- I startedempecé
- to let come indejar entrar
- silverwarevajilla
- I workedtrabajé
- employeeempleado
- I thoughtpensé
- I choseelegí
- at leastpor lo menos
- like mecomo yo
- he worked (used to work)trabajaba
- dressvestido
- the flowerla flor
- forkliftel montacarga
- "spade, shovel"la pala
- it doesn't seemno parece
- de metalmade of metal
- that you gave meque me diste
- hardermás fuerte
- we won't be able tono podremos
- "light, ignite, start"encender
- "function, work, go"funcionar
- wardrobearmario
- to seemparecer
- is made of (result)está hecho de
- is made of (action)es hecho de