Sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where you need to communicate your need to be left alone in varying degrees of politeness, or otherwise.
If so you may find these phrases useful:
¡Déjame solo/a! = Leave me alone.
¡Déjame en paz! = Leave me in peace.
¡Déjame tranquilo/a! = Let me be.
íAléjate de mi! = Get away from me.
¡Lárgate (de aquí)! = Get outta here.
¡Piérdete¡ = Get lost.
¡Quítate¡. = Get away.
No me molestes. = Don’t bother me.
¡Deja de molestarme! = Stop bothering me.
And along the same lines we have …
¡Vete! = Go away!
¡Sal de aquí! = Get outta here!
!Sal de mi camino! = Get out of my way!
¡Sal del camino! = Get out of the way!
¡Deja de ser una molestia! = Stop being a pain!
¡Deja ya de molestar! = Quit bugging me!
NB: Most of these commands use the single informal ‘tú’ form.
Also possible are the formal singular and plural forms,
eg. ¡Déjeme en paz. or Déjenme en paz. etc