I have recently posted a couple of oral practice threads and I have noticed that the Spanish vowels often pose quite a problem for learners.
If you feel that this describes you I would suggest putting in a bit of groundwork and this site ‘Study Spanish’ has some great exercises that will help you.
You might be keen to just get out there and get talking but if you are prepared to put in a bit of effort with your vowels early on in the piece you will likely transform your spoken Spanish and save yourself a lot of time in the future not to mention ending up with a much more pleasing and natural way of speaking Spanish.
Also has this helpful article:
A – This letter is pronounced like the A in Ah!
E – This letter is pronounced like the eh in hey
I – This letter is pronounced like the ee in feet
O – This vowel is pronounced like the O in Oh!
U – This vowel is pronounced like the OO in fool.