- should, oughtdeber
- we should worshipdebemos adorar
- to have (auxilliary verb)haber
- has existedha existido
- to let, to leavedejar
- to stop (doing something)dejar de + inf
- he will never stop existingnunca dejará de existir
- to come fromprovenir (de)
- (they) come from himde él provienen
- to findhallar
- to be foundhallarse
- they are foundse hallan
- to givedar
- he gave usnos dio
- to deservemerecer(se)
- he deservesél se merece
- to seever
- has seen himlo ha visto
- to be able topoder
- to know (a fact)saber
- we can knowpodemos saber
- examineexaminar
- upon examiningal examinar
- designeddiseñar
- that he has designedque ha diseñado
- to revealrevelar
- he reveals to usnos revela
- to loveamar
- he loves usnos ama
- to demonstratedemostrar
- (it) demonstrates to usnos demuestra
- to havetener
- he has immense powertiene muchísimo poder
- to know (a person/place)conocer
- another way to (get to) knowotra manera de conocer
- to readleer
- reading the Bibleleyendo la Biblia
- to speak, to tellhablar
- (it) tells usnos habla
- to treattratar
- how he treats peoplecómo trata las personas
- to pleaseagradarle
- what (things) please himqué cosas le agradan
- to reactreaccionar
- the way he reactsla forma en que reacciona
- to possess (have)poseer
- God possesses many titlesDios posee muchos títulos
- to dependdepender
- depending ondependiendo de
- to pronouncepronunciar
- (it) is pronounced in different waysse pronuncia de distintas maneras
- to be usedutilizarse
- Yahweh is also usedtambién se utiliza Yavé
- to be replaced byreemplazar por
- has been replaced byse ha reemplazado por
- to appearaparecer
- (it) appearedaparecía