Introductions in Spanish – Presentaciones en español
Learn some vocabulary to help you introduce yourself in Spanish and to get to know others with the following flashcards.
- I amsoy
- you are (informal)eres
- he is, she isél es, ella es
- you are (formal)usted es
- we arenosotros somos
- they areellos son
- you pl. areustedes son
- inen
- andy (said 'eee')
- where?¿dónde?
- my name is, I'm calledme llamo
- What's your name? (informal)¿Cómo te llamas?
- What's your name? (formal)¿Cómo se llama?
- What's up? How's it going?¿Qué tal?
- Where are you from? (informal)¿De dónde eres?
- Where are you from (formal)¿De dónde es usted?
- I'm Spanish. (fem)Soy española.
- I'm Spanish. (masc.)Soy español.
- and you (informal)y tú
- and you (formal) y usted
- are you? (informal)¿eres?
- are you? (formal)¿es usted?
- I'm from ....Soy de ...
- And where do you live? (informal)¿Y dónde vives?
- And where do you live? (formal)¿Y dónde vive?
- You live in ... (informal)Vives en ....
- Do you live in ... (informal)¿Vives en ...?
- You live in ... (formal)Vive en ...
- Do you live in ... (formal)¿Vive usted en ...?
- I live in ...Vivo en ...
- S/He's called ..., His/Her name is ...Se llama ...
- that's iteso es
- very interestingmuy interesante
- how interestingqué interesante