Free Spanish Language EBooks




Free Spanish Language EBooks or Video Books


We hope that you find these free e-books to be helpful.  We’d love to hear from you, do let us know if you have found the books to be useful or if you’d like to request an e-book on a certain subject.  And please do let us know if you spot any errors as we really appreciate any proof-reading help.


Cucú cantaba la rana (Video book) 

Los Saludos en español – Greetings in Spanish

Los Colores

The Spanish Present Tense

The Spanish Present Progressive Tense

La Ranita y La Gran Hoja

Learn How To Ask Questions In Spanish

The Spanish Preterite and Imperfect Past Tense

Lo Que Pasó vs Lo Que Pasaba (Preterite vs Imperfect Past Tenses)

Talking about the weather in Spanish

Learn how to say who things belong to in Spanish (mi, mis, su, sus, nuestro etc)

To Be or To Be – Ser vs Estar

Expressing To Become (or ‘to get’, ‘to go’ etc) In Spanish

Spanish Possessive Adjectives


The Spanish ‘A’ and Its Many Uses (Including the so-called personal ‘a’)

Using the Spanish Neuter Article ‘Lo’

A selection of bilingual Spanish/English Children’s Books