- he grew upse crió
- he started drinkingempezó a beber
- he would (used to) get drunkse borrachaba
- he would (used to) loseperdía
- to become, to end upllegar a estar
- there was, werehabía
- he would (used to) take / havese tomaba
- he would (used to) smokese fumaba
- to not have any money, to be brokequedarse sin dinero
- to drink up, to knock backbeberse
- to look like (somebody or something)parecer
- a corpseun cadáver
- to admit, hospitalize, enter, go iningresar
- so spend (time)pasar
- it didn't help (him) at allno le sirvió de nada
- he metconoció
- he acceptedaceptó
- he would go outsalía
- a swigun trago
- he studiedestudió
- he realizedse dio cuenta
- he had to changetenía que cambiar
- he feltsentía
- he was readingleía
- to stopdetener
- I stopped atme detuve en
- (they) markedmarcaron
- to mark a milestonemarcar un antes y un después
- he studied (ongoing action)estudiaba
- he made the decision to, he made his mind up tose resolvió a
- to pick oneself uplevantarse
- the eighthel octavo
- to beg, plead, prayrogar
- his vicessus vicios
- he got baptizedse bautizó
- he becamese hizo
- currently, now, at the momenten la actualidad