- first sceneprimer plano
- watch facecarátula de reloj
- pocket watchun reloj de bolsillo
- the glassel cristal
- very good qualityfinísimo
- from one endde un extremo
- a chainuna cadena
- a bulletuna bala
- "to stop, hold back"detener
- "slicked back, stuck down with hair cream"engominado
- split in twopartido en dos
- to hangcolgar
- "hangs, is hanging"cuelga
- glovesguantes
- behind himdetrás de él
- "to wait, to hope"esperar
- the millel molino
- standingde pie
- "to the side, next to"al lado de
- stony-facedrostro pétreo
- a wheel chairuna silla de ruedas
- "to squeak, squeal, screech, creak"chirriar
- to make upconformar
- a couple ofun par de
- dark stonepiedra oscura
- "bridge, arch"puente
- to hang frompender
- riverbedlecho
- dryseco
- "beam, rafter, girder"viga
- motifmotivo
- "to chisel, carve"esculpir
- wallsparedes
- "to reinforce, strengthen"reforzar
- "pontoon bridge, bridge of planks"pontón
- displeasuredesagrado
- Go on!¡Anda!
- "suddenly, unexpectantly"súbitamente
- to spread outextender
- to fly awayremontar
- "to move away, get away"alejarse
- You might get lost.Te puedes perder.
- surveilance pointspuestos de vigilancia
- a trayuna bandeja
- liquoraguardiente
- cold-cuts of meatembutidos
- those pains in the arsesesos jodidos
- "pantry, wine cellar"bodega
- to come downbajar
- officedespacho
- a sliceuna rebanada
- "scumbag, bastard"cabrón
- lapregazo
- you will sleepdormirá