Flashcards for Mi Vida Loca – Episodio 2 (Set 1)
Mi Vida Loca is a great interactive video program developed by the BBC. Designed for beginners it’s a great, fun way to learn. You can view all the episodes here.
Before viewing the videos you might like to use our flashcard sets to familiarise yourself with the vocabulary that is used in each episode.
- previouslypreviamente
- you arrivedllegaste
- to Madrida Madrid
- it's herees aquí
- andy
- withcon
- a little helpun poco de ayuda
- fromde
- the neighbourla vecina
- she apologisedse disculpó
- sorry, excuse meperdón
- she went away / she leftse fue
- to sleepa dormir
- a napuna siesta
- phrasebookguía de conversación
- whilemientras
- she finishes her napacaba su siesta
- time for some Spanishun momento de español
- we knewsabíamos
- thatque
- she hadtenía
- a flatun piso
- inen
- butpero
- nevernunca
- she never mentionednunca mencionó
- a sisteruna hermana
- livingviviendo
- thereallí