- yellowamarillo
- the chickel pollito
- blueazul
- the butterflyla mariposa
- redroja
- the applela manzana
- whiteblanco
- the cottonel algodón
- green (plural)verdes
- the little leaveslas hojitas
- orangenaranja
- the orangela naranja
- browncafé
- the little bear (cub)el osito
- greygris
- the dolphinel delfín
- blacknegro
- the penguinel pingüino
- pinkrosa
- the little pig (piglet)el cerdito
- purple (pl.)moradas
- the grapeslas uvas
- goldendorado
- the sunel sol
- all the colourstodos los colores
- I like (them)me gustan a mi
- that's whypor eso
- the rainbowel arcoiris
- (it) makes meme hace
- so happytan feliz
- I paint/am paintingpinto
- with colourscon colores
- for youpara tí