Vocabulary to help you describe how the match went, what the movie was like or what’s happening lately in your favourite soap opera.
- How did the game/match go?¿Cómo fue/Qué tal el partido/ la partida?
- How was the movie? (classify it)¿Cómo fue/Qué tal la película?
- How was the movie? (give your opinion)¿Cómo estuvo/Qué tal la película?
- It was amazing. (classify)¡Fue fenomenal!
- It was amazing. (opinion)Estuvo fenomenal!
- It was sooooo good! (classify)¡Fue super fantástico!
- It was sooooo good! (opinion)¡Estuvo super fantástico!
- It was so funny! (classify)¡Fue divertidísimo!
- It was so funny! (opinion)¡Estuvo divertidísimo!
- It was so bad / terrible! (classify)¡Fue fatal!
- It was ok. (classify)Fue regular.
- It was so bad / terrible! (opinion)¡Estuvo fatal!
- It was ok. (opinion)Estuvo regular.
- I had a great/awesome time!Lo pasé bomba.
- I had a terrible time.Lo pasé muy mal.
- It was awful.Lo pasé fatal.
- What a disaster!¡Qué desastre!
- I really enjoyed myself.Me divertí mucho.
- I liked it a lot.Me gustó bastante.
- I really liked the music.Me gustó muchísimo la música.
- The ballet was exciting.El ballet estuvo muy emocionante.
- My team lost two goals to one.Mi equipo perdió dos goles a cero.
- It rained the whole time.Llovió todo el tiempo.
- What are the main characters like?¿Cómo son los personajes principales?
- Pilar is romantic.Pilar es romántica.
- loving, affectionatecariñoso/a
- sinceresincero/a
- modestmodesto/a
- cruelcruel
- selfishegoísta
- violentviolento/a
- disagreeable, obnoxiousantipático
- meanmalo
- proudorgulloso
- arrogantarrogante
- X is in love with ...X se enamora de ...
- goes out withsale con
- is married tose casa con
- she is pregnantestá embarazada
- things aren't going well between ...las cosas no van bien entre ...
- in the last episodeen el último episodio
- he found out that his wifedescubrió que su mujer
- is unfaithfules infiel
- s/he diedmurió
- went to jailfue a la cárcel
- in the next episodeen el próximo episodio
- there is going to beva a haber
- a fight betweenuna lucha entre
- she will explain to her husbandexplicará a su marido
- they are going to separatevan a separarse
- get divorceddivorciarse