Expand your Spanish vocabulary with this set of flashcards so that you can talk about your favourite magazines and moviestars.
- Which newspapers do you read?¿Qué periódicos lees?
- magazines or comicsrevistas o tebeos
- I read(Yo) leo
- It comes out weekly.Es una revista semanal.
- It comes out monthly.Es una revista mensual.
- It's a sports magazine.Es una revista deportiva.
- It's a women's magazine.Es una revista femenina.
- It's an I.T. magazine.Es una revista de informática.
- It's a car magazine.Es una revista de automóviles.
- it has information abouttiene información sobre
- beautyla belleza
- fashionla moda
- healthla salud
- computerslos ordenadores
- everythingtodo
- it contains interviewscontiene entrevistas
- with the starscon las estrellas
- player biographiesbiografías de los jugadores
- there are anouncementshay anuncios
- articlesartículos
- reportsreportajes
- (sports) resultsresultados
- photosfotos
- newsnotícias
- women's magazines are(n't) reliable / trustworthylas revistas femeninas (no) son serias
- are(n't) important(no) son importantes
- car magazines are boringlas revistas de automóviles son aburridas
- are sexistson sexistas
- the person I admire the mostla person que más admiro es
- he's a footballeres futbolista
- she's a singeres cantante
- she's a superstares superestrella
- s/he was born innació en
- he was/has been nominated forfue/ha sido seleccionado para