Flashcards for Extra en Español (Ep. 6)
El día de la Primitiva
- let me seedéjame ver
- my waya mi manera
- that's itasí es
- take it offquítatela
- throw it awaytírala
- the lotteryla Primitiva
- I am choosingeligo
- she brushesse cepilla
- "to put, place, organize, tidy up"colocar
- don't say itno lo digas
- I'm going shopping.Me voy de compras.
- laundrylavandaría
- drycleanerstintorería
- see you laterte veo más tarde
- a penun boli (bolígrafo)
- a cutieuna monada
- she's crazy for meestá loca por mi
- maybe she has a sisterquizas tenga una hermana
- I've won.He ganado.
- Calm down!¡Cálmate!
- From now on.A partir de ahora.
- luxurylujo
- designer clothesropa de diseño
- sports carscoches deportivos
- charitiesobras de caridad
- leave your messagedeje su mensaje
- I'm saying goodbyeme despido
- my ticketmi resguardo
- has disappearedha desaparecido
- alternar"to socialize, go out for a drink"
- he askedpidió
- encontrarto find
- give it to medámelo
- I've lost it.Lo he perdido.
- "grabbed, snatched""cogido (Sp.), agarrado (Lat.Am)"
- we wentfuimos
- the waitressla camarera
- "fair, show, exhibition"feria
- "to demand, require, need"reclamar
- traffic lightel semáforo
- the winning ticketel resguardo ganador
- to search carefully forrebuscar
- rubbish binpapelero
- rubbish collectorbasurero
- writtenescrito
- not to come backno volver
- will changecambiará
- Any luck?¿Has tenido suerte?
- windscreensparabrisas
- I'm going to stick it (together).Lo voy a pegar.
- it was in Pablo's bedestaba en la cama de Pablo
- I would like to ….Quisiera ….
- What do you mean?¿Qué quiere decir?
- Of course they are.Claro que son.
- What were you doing?¿Qué hacías?
- upside downal revés
- it's ringingestá sonando
- "unlucky, unfortunate"desafortunado
- "tape, ribbon"la cinta
- the answer machineel contestador