Use these flashcards for ‘Extra en español’ (Ep. 3 1-10 mins) to learn some new vocabulary and check how much you already know.
- What is this?¿Qué es esto?
- uparriba
- downabajo
- bend your kneesdoble las rodillas
- old fashionedpasado de moda
- hands on your waistmanos en la cintura
- arms upbrazos arriba
- my legs hurtme duelen las piernas
- We are training.Estamos entenando.
- I have to look at my emails.Tengo que mirar mis emails.
- So I see. (lit. Already I realize.)Ya me doy cuenta.
- don't worryno te preocupes
- you firsttú primero
- What's happening?¿Qué pasa?
- "to date, hook up"ligar
- that's what she's trying to does su intenta
- let's seevamos a ver
- it doesn't matterno importa
- the loserel vencido / la vencida
- ¿Can we (arrange to) meet today?¿Podemos quedar hoy?
- boyfriendnovio
- I bet you that …Te apuesto a que ….
- I'm ______ tall.mido ____
- What would you write?¿Qué escribirías?
- I would answer it!¡Lo contestaría!
- Do the washing!Haz la colada!
- my rosebushmi rosal
- spray bottle / gunpulvizador
- no problemningún problema
- Why do you want to know?¿Por qué lo quiere saber?
- Guess what!¡Adivina!
- very strangemuy extraño
- I'll be careful.Voy a tener cuidado.
- How do they get …?¿Cómo consiguen …?
- girlfriendsnovias
- Get outta here man!¡Anda hombre!
- horsescaballos
- little girlslas niñitas
- They like to dance.Les gusta bailar.