- to hand overentregar
- a shotgununa escopeta
- to sniff, smellolfatear
- the (gun) barrelel cañon
- to firedisparar
- to huntcazar
- to squash, crushaplastar
- to fall to one's kneescaer de rodillas
- to grab, seize (Spain)coger
- to crush, poundmachacar
- flattenedplana
- profileel perfil
- to let gosoltar
- to spitescupir
- you've killed him(me) lo has matado
- son of a bitchhijo de puta
- murdererasesino
- to leap on, to jump onabalanzarse
- a shotun tiro
- he falls to the floorcae al suelo
- deadmuerto
- satchel, knapsackun macuto
- leatherde cuero
- to search (around in)rebuscar
- the insideel interior
- to moanquejarse
- to aim atapuntar
- to searchregistrar
- this riffraffesta gentuza
- fireplacechimenea
- to throw, producearrojar
- to grumblegruñir
- whingerprotestón/a
- to howlulular
- she tries to wake …(someone)intenta despertar a …
- she puts her shoes onse pone los zapatos
- beam, rafter, girderuna viga
- she looks upwardsmira hacia arriba
- to climbtrepar
- a wellun pozo
- spiral staircaseescalera de caracol
- covered withtapizado de
- mossel musgo
- astonished, amazedasomado/a
- a sudden movementun brusco movimiento
- scaredasustado/a
- to go backretroceder
- sinister, scarysiniestro
- they flyvuelan
- to go around in circlesdar vueltas
- a crownuna corona
- the darknessla penumbra
- clumsytorpe
- with an expression of surprise/amazementcon expresión de extrañeza
- crossroads, maze, labyrinthlas encrucijadas, el laberinto
- sheet, page (of a book)hoja
- to be merged together, united"fundirse