Before you start, see if you can understand some of the phrases taken from episode 6 of Destinos entitled ‘Maestra’.
Click here or here to watch Destinos Episode 6 ‘¿Maestra?
As you listen try to answer the following questions by matching the correct letter to each question.
Describe what was happening in each of the following pictures to practice your speaking skills.
Click here to take a short quiz and see how much vocabulary you understand from this episode.
Click here to play a game to test your comprehension of what happened in episode 6.
Click the spoiler below to check your answers to the first exercise …
1. e 2. t 3. s 4. r 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. m 9. a 10. q 11. p 12. f 13. i 14. h 15. k 16. 0 17. j 18. n 19. l 20. g