Spanish Gender & Number
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Question 1 |
Which answer gives all three nouns their correct articles?
A | la mediodía, la medianoche, la día Hint: No, mediodía and día are exceptions to the -a (fem) ending rule so the correct answer would be ... el mediodía, la medianoche and el día. |
B | el mediodía, la medianoche, el día Hint: Yes, well done, mediodía and día are exceptions to the -a (fem) ending rule as they are masculine nouns and therefore take the masculine article 'el'. |
C | el mediodía, el medianoche, el día Hint: Nearly but the middle one should be 'la' medianoche. |
Question 2 |
How do you say 'the cat' if you're talking about a female cat?
A | La gata. Hint: That's right! La gata is the feminine form of 'the cat'. |
B | Las gatas. Hint: Close but 'las gatas' is the plural form used for female cats and means 'the cats'. 'La gata' means the (female) cat. |
C | El gato. Hint: No, that's the masculine form of 'the cat' and can be used for male cats or when you are unsure if the cat is male or female. |
Question 3 |
How do you say 'the moon'?
A | El luna. Hint: Good try, it is luna but as that's a feminine noun you need to use the feminine article 'la'. La luna means 'the moon'. |
B | La luno. Hint: No, the word for 'moon' is 'luna' and because it's a feminine noun you need to use the feminine article 'la'. La luna means 'the moon'. |
C | La luna. Hint: Yes, la luna is feminine, a good clue is that it ends in 'a'. |
Question 4 |
Name this object.

A | una lapiz Hint: Nearly but 'lapiz' is a masculine noun so it's 'un' lapiz. |
B | un lapiz Hint: Yes, well done, 'un lapiz' is 'a pencil'. |
C | una tortuga Hint: No, silly, that's not a turtle! |
Question 5 |
Choose the right adjective.
Las chicas ______. The fat girls.
A | gordas Hint: Yes, well done, to describe a feminine plural noun you need to use a feminine plural adjective |
B | gordos Hint: No, gordos is masculine and plural, you need the feminine plural version gordas because you're describing girls. |
C | gorda Hint: Not quite, it's good that you've chosen a feminine adjective but it also needs to be plural as your noun is feminine and plural (las chicas). The correct answer is gordas. |
Question 6 |
Pick the correct translation for 'the red apples'.
A | Los manzanas rojas. Hint: Not quite, remember - everything has to agree - the article (the), the noun (the apples) and the adjective (red) must all agree with the noun which in this case is feminine and plural.
The right answer is 'las manzanas rojas'. |
B | Las manzanas rojas. Hint: Yes, well done, everything has to agree - the article (the), the noun (the apples) and the adjective (red) must all agree with the noun which in this case is feminine and plural. |
C | Las manzanas roja. Hint: Not quite, remember - everything has to agree - the article (the), the noun (the apples) and the adjective (red) must all agree with the noun which in this case is feminine and plural.
The right answer is 'las manzanas rojas'. |
Question 7 |
Pick the answer that shows some exceptions to the -o (masc) and -a (fem) endings rule.
A | el problema, el sistema, el tema Hint: Right! Although these look like feminine nouns they were taken from the Greek language and are actually masculine and use the masculine article 'el'. |
B | la mapa, la poeta, la planeta Hint: No, you might expect these nouns to be feminine as they end with an -a but these words were taken from the Greek language and they are all masculine nouns so they take the masculine articles -el mapa, el poeta, el planeta. |
C | la problema, la sistema, la tema Hint: No, you might expect these nouns to be feminine as they end with an -a but these words were taken from the Greek language and they are all masculine nouns and they take the masculine articles - el problema, el sistema, el tema. |
Question 8 |
Make the following nouns plural.
hombre, libro, mesa, mujer
A | hombres, libros, mesas, mujeres Hint: Yes, very well done. |
B | hombres, libres, meses, mujeres Hint: Not quite, the first three just get an 's' added and the last one takes an -es. |
C | hombres, libros, mesas, mujers Hint: Nearly, just remember that nouns ending a consonant have an -es added to the end to make them plural. |
Question 9 |
How do you say 'the girl' in Spanish?
A | la chica Hint: Exactly right, nouns and articles that end in -a are usually feminine. 'La chica' means 'the girl'. |
B | las chicas Hint: No, 'las chicas' is plural and means 'the girls'. 'La chica' is 'the girl'. |
C | el chico Hint: No, 'el chico' means 'the boy'. 'La chica' is 'the girl'. |
Question 10 |
Which three are correct?
A | La agua, las aguas, unas agua. Hint: Not quite, the first one should be 'el' agua because although agua is a feminine noun it borrows the masculine article in its singular form to make it easier to pronounce. |
B | El agua, los aguas, unos aguas. Hint: I'm afraid not, although the first one is 'el' agua it is really a feminine noun and only borrows the masculine article in its singular form to make it easier to pronounce. In its plural forms it uses the feminine articles. El agua, las aguas, unos aguas. |
C | El agua, las aguas, unas aguas Hint: Spot on, great work! |
Question 11 |
Change the definite articles (the) in the following sentence to indefinite articles (a or some).
Los niños están jugando y el perro está jugando también.
The children are playing and the dog is playing too.
A | Unos niños están jugando y un perro está jugando también. Hint: Yes well done! Before a masculine noun the usual word for 'one' / 'uno' is shortened to 'un'. |
B | Unas niños están jugando y uno perro está jugando también. Hint: No, the correct answer is:
Unos niños están jugando y un perro está jugando también. |
C | Unos niños están jugando y uno perro está jugando también. Hint: No, the correct answer is:
Unos niños están jugando y un perro está jugando también. |
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