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This lesson is about ‘spinach soup’ – click the link below to find out if Lola likes spinach soup or not?
When you’ve finished watching the video come back and see if you can answer the questions below 😉
Este video trata de Lola quien está invitada a comer en la casa de la invitada especial. Ella le dice que hizo una deliciosa sopa de espinacas, pero Lola dice que no le gusta porque es muy verde. Finalmente toma valor y se anima a probarla. Descubre que la sopa sabe muy rica.
This video is about Lola who is invited to eat at the house of the special guest. She tells her that she made a delicious spinach soup, but Lola says that she doesn’t like it because it’s very green. Finally she gets up courage and decides to try it. She discovers that the soup is delicious!
Sopa de Espinaca (Plaza Sesame) / Spinach Soup (Sesame Street) – You Tube Video
Post your answers in the comment box below!
1) At the beginning does Lola think she’s going to like the spinach soup?
2) What colour is the spinach soup? Pick the correct colour from the choices below:
a) rojo/red b) azul/blue c) verde/green d) amarillo/yellow