- ranitalittle frog
- que vivíathat lived
- junto a / contogether with
- laguna"lake, pond, pool"
- sus papásher parents
- le gustaba muchoshe really liked
- pasear en"to go for a stroll, go for a ride on"
- las grandes hojasthe big leaves
- que caíanthat would fall
- el viento soplabathe wind blew
- una tardeone afternoon
- un arbóla tree
- dejó caerdropped
- chapoteabawas splashing about
- nadaron haciathey swam towards
- treparto climb
- solo míajust mine
- no quieroI don't want
- compartirto share
- lindalovely
- nadie"anyone, no-one"
- para mífor me
- entristecióhe became sad
- se fuehe left
- a orillasto the bank
- encontróhe found
- estaban dispuestas athey were willing to
- jugóhe played
- olvidóhe forgot
- el mal ratothe bad time
- transcurrían las horashours went by
- solaalone
- se estaba aburriendoshe was getting bored
- pensóshe thought
- qué divertidowhat fun
- no tengoI don't have
- con quiénwith whom
- si hubieraif I had
- compartidoshared
- no me sentiríasI wouldn't feel
- tan solaso alone
- ahoranow