If you are learning Te Reo Māori using the Te Ataarangi Method and cusininaire rods, I hope that these flashcards will help you consolidate what you are learning in class.
Lesson 10 – Numbering things, combining colours, taking things away, leaving them and holding on to them.
We start this lesson with how to introduce yourself with a basic introduction or in answer to some basic questions. Next we’ll recap on the colours and even learn some new variations of colours. Finally we’ll learn how to number things, how to describe things with combined colours in te reo so that you don’t moumou taima (waste time) by using too many words and learn the words tangohia, waihotia and puritia.
Please note that my flashcard plugin doesn’t recognize macrons (the tūhoto) so I’ve adopted the old way of doubling the vowel where a macron would normally be present. This just means that you hold that syllable for longer but it doesn’t change the sound of the vowel at all, just the length.
Just tap the flashcards to flip them:)
- W h a t ' s y o u r n a m e ?