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Aprendamos del Gran Maestro L1, Pg 10 Beginner's Quiz
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Question 1 |
What's the best translation of the word 'hace' on the first line of the first paragraph?
A | it makes Hint: No, although that is one possible translation, the best translation would be 'ago'.
Hace + a time period is commonly translated as 'a certain time ago'. |
B | he makes Hint: No, although that is one possible translation, the best translation would be 'ago'.
Hace + a time period is commonly translated as 'a certain time ago'. |
C | ago Hint: ¡Exacto! Bien hecho. |
Question 2 |
What does the verb 'crecer' mean?
A | to sew Hint: No, that's coser. Crecer means to grow up. |
B | to grow up Hint: ¡Excelente! |
C | to cook Hint: No, that's cocinar. Crecer means to grow up. |
Question 3 |
If 'grande' means 'great' how would you say 'the greatest'?
A | el muy grande Hint: No, that would mean 'very big'. 'el más grande' is a good translation for 'the greatest'. |
B | el más grande Hint: ¡Sí! Perfecto. |
C | el grande más Hint: Nearly, just swap the order to 'el más grande' 🙂 |
Question 4 |
What do you think 'no había' means (near the end of the first paragraph)?
A | there wasn't a Hint: Well, that singular version (there wasn't a) is one possible translation but 'había' is a special verb form like 'hay' (there is / there are) so it can have a plural meaning and in the context it means 'there weren't any'. |
B | there weren't any Hint: Sí, tienes toda la razon.
Yes, you're exactly right. |
C | there isn't any Hint: You're on the right track but 'había' is in the imperfect past so it means 'there weren't any'. |
Question 5 |
What does sabio mean? (beginning of 2nd paragraph)
A | discerning Hint: No, perspicaz means 'discerning', sabio means 'wise'. |
B | wise Hint: ¡Sí! |
C | clever Hint: No, listo or inteligente would be the words for 'intelligent', sabio means 'wise'. |
Question 6 |
How do you pronounce the word 'fácil'?
A | fah-SEEL (with the stress on the last syllable) Hint: No. You stress the syllable with the accent, in this case the first syllable, FAH-seel. |
B | FAH-SEEL (with both syllables stressed equally) Hint: No. You stress the syllable with the accent, in this case the first syllable, FAH-seel. |
C | FAH-seel (with the stress on the first syllable) Hint: ¡Exacto! You stress the syllable with the accent, in this case the first syllable. |
Question 7 |
'En todos partes' is one way to say 'everywhere' in Spanish, can you find another way in paragraph three?
A | en todo lugar Hint: ¡Perfecto! |
B | un lugar a otro Hint: No, that means 'one place after another'. |
C | lugar Hint: Well you're on the right track but 'lugar' by itself just means 'place'. 'En todo lugar' however means 'everywhere'. |
Question 8 |
What are 'trenes'? (paragraph 3)
A | trains Hint: ¡Sí! 'Trenes' are 'trains' (not the verb but the kind that go choo-choo.) |
B | segways Hint: No, you're right that they didn't exist in Jesus' day either but 'trenes' are 'trains' - the kind that go choo-choo. |
C | trainers Hint: No, 'trenes' are trains, the kind that go choo-choo. |
Question 9 |
How do you say 'on foot'? (paragraph 3)
A | en pie Hint: No, although that is a saying and can be used to mean 'ready' the correct way to say 'on foot' is 'a pie'. |
B | a pie Hint: ¡Excelente! 'A pie' means 'on foot'. |
C | de pie Hint: Not quite, you can say things like 'ponte de pie' which means 'stand up' or 'get to one's feet' but 'on foot' is 'a' pie. |
Question 10 |
How do you say 'other people'? (paragraph 4)
A | otras personas Hint: ¡Bien hecho! Your words agree in gender (both are feminine) and in number (both are plural). Well done! |
B | otra personas Hint: Nearly, just make sure that your words are both plural. So it would be 'otraS personaS. |
C | otros personas Hint: Nearly, just make sure that your words agree in gender, so it would be 'otrAs personAs'. |
Question 11 |
What does 'leemos' mean? (paragraph 4)
A | you read Hint: 'Leemos' is from the verb 'leer' (to read) but it is the 'nosotros' conjugation so it means 'we read'. |
B | one reads Hint: 'Leemos' is from the verb 'leer' (to read) but it is the 'nosotros' conjugation so it means 'we read'. |
C | we read Hint: Tienes toda la razon.
You're exactly right. |
Question 12 |
Using the title of the chapter and the last paragraph can you find the two ways to say (he) 'was'?
A | fue and es Hint: No. 'Fue' is right, that means '(he) was' but 'es' means 'he is'. |
B | fue and tuvo Hint: No. 'Fue' is right, that means '(he) was' but 'tuvo' means 'he had'. |
C | fue and era Hint: Yes, well done, both of those mean (he) was and they both come from the verb 'ser'. Fue is in the preterite past and era is in the imperfect past. |
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